Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling With Children
What is Psychotherapeutic Counselling with Children?
Psychotherapeutic Counselling with Children will draw on psychology using a humanistic – integrative approach. It draws upon developmental gestalt and a range of integrative theories to enable a thorough understanding of how to work effectively with the child/young person in a counselling setting. Trainees will therefore be child centred, being able to be flexible enough to meet the needs of the child at their particular age of development. The relationship is a crucial part of the healing process and underpinning the course will be a working knowledge of the dynamics of relating including the issue of transference.
Who is the course aimed at?
The course is aimed at attracting those who have experience of working with children/young people such as teachers, nurses, social workers and voluntary sector workers. It provides an excellent basis for anyone who would wish to move into Counselling either in statutory settings or into private practice. Acceptance for training is based on a selection process comprising a written application; interview, references and a police check clearance.
For information on the cost of the course
Other requirements
All trainees must undergo their own personal therapy of a minimum of 35 hours therapy per year, to have a total of 120 hours before accreditation. (See section on Personal therapy)
All trainees must have a current Disclosure and Barring Service check through TACT.
All trainees working with children need to be in regular supervision. (See section on supervision)
All trainees must have Professional Indemnity Insurance.
All trainees have to be a member of TACT.
Before being able to commence working with children key workshops will have to be completed.
The course requires the trainee to work with a minimum of 2 children in placement.
Listening Skills
The Nature of Empathy
Unconditional Positive Regard
Education and the Issues of Learning
Attachment and Separation
Models of the Person (2)
Counsellor Self Maintenance
Exploring Research in Counselling
Working in the context of other professionals – Ethics/Risk Assessment
Development of the Self
Child Protection
Movement Therapy- Pathways to Embodiment
Transference and Countertransference
Sexuality and Gender Issues
Family Therapy
Projective Identification
Childhood Sexual Abuse
Projective Techniques – Mediums of Play
Assessment of the child and Family
Models of the Person (1)
Shame and Envy in Childhood and Adolescence –applied research
Eating Disorders, School Phobia and Bullying
Bereavement and Endings
Advance Projective Technique – Art
Psychiatric Considerations in Childhood and Adolescence
Case Study/Tape Transcript & Post Qualifying Professional Obligations
Karen Davies-Hough is the course leader and other trainers include Jo Hewitt-Evans, Barbara Clarkson, Steven Smith (All UKCP Registered Psychotherapists)
Following the completion of key workshops students undertake training placements to practice their skills in a real-life environment (usually at the end of the first year or the beginning of the second). It is mandatory that students have supervision with a suitably qualified EIATSCYP or UKCP supervisor who will be identified by the tutor. Students will be expected to complete 36 hours of group supervision in each year too encourage mutual learning and support, this will normally take place in a group format of 3 or 4 students, twice a month for about 2 hours. The cost of supervision is paid directly to the Supervisor.
All students will be expected to undertake their own personal therapy from the start of the training until registration. Students will be expected to have a minimum of 35 hours per year personal therapy. Choice of therapist is a personal thing however the therapist must be Humanistic-Integrative orientation. The fees for the therapy will be the responsibility of the student. A personal learning journal will be kept from the start of therapy.
Assessment of skills and knowledge is an ongoing part of the course and will include Self, Peer and Tutor assessment via written projects, case study, training log and technical demonstrations.
There are 3 pieces of written work per year of approximately 1500 words plus a personal profile. At the end of training there is a final case study of 8000 – 10,000 words and a tape of work undertaken with children that is transcribed and critiqued (20 minutes long).
Successful candidates will be awarded the Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling with Children on successful completion of course work assignments. In addition candidates must have attended all workshops and met the requirements of clinical supervision and personal therapy. On passing all requirements you will be eligible to register as a Psychotherapeutic Counsellor with the ‘European Interdisciplinary Association for Therapeutic Services with Children and Young People ‘(EIATSCYP) and the ‘United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy – Psychotherapeutic Counselling and Intersubjective Psychotherapy College’ (UKCP-PCIPC)
The Course takes place over 3 years. There will be 9 two-day workshops each year, run over weekends (Saturday & Sunday) and one 4-day summer block, Friday to Monday. Each day will be divided into sections that focus on four areas, namely, group process, theory, supervised skills practice in both small and whole group settings and supervision.
The day will start at 9.00am and end at 5.30pm, with morning and afternoon breaks and an hour for lunch.
Karen Davies-Hough is the course leader who is a BACP Accredited Counsellor, UKCP Registered Psychotherapist and EIATSCYP Graduate member. Her background includes Teaching and Social Work. She has been practicing for over 25 years in both private practice and local authority settings working with adults, couples, families and children.
Other course tutors will be involved at various stages to provide specific input on a variety of topics.
Fees are £2,745 for the academic year 2024/2025.
Subsequent years will be evaluated subject to inflation and market pricing.
Fees are at a highly competitive rate and represent excellent value for money. Fees may be paid in full at the beginning of the year or by standing order over 10 months.
Personal Therapy is an additional cost each year and once practice commences there will be a monthly supervision fee.
Membership fee is included in the annual training fee during the formal training
If you are accepted on the course a deposit of £500 is required and is non-refundable.